Here follows a list of our committees:
AcquiCie: The Acquisition committee is responsible for finding funds for our concerts. They are also involved in finding general sponsors for the association. Contact:
Axie: The Activities committee organizes parties and fun activities to maintain the “gezelligheid” in Krashna. Contact:
Advisory Board: The Advisory Board helps in evaluation and gives advice. Contact:
Ensemble Committee: The ensemble committee manages the hired ensembles for music at external activities like balls and gatherings. Contact:
GalaCie: The ball committee organizes a dress-ball for members. There is a ball approximately every two years. Contact:
KakoCie: The chamber choir committee organizes the concerts for the chamber choir. Contact:
KaMuCie: Every year the chamber music committee organises among other events ca. six chamber concerts where chamber music ensembles of Krashna Musika have an opportunity to perform. They also organise a masterclass every year in May or June. Contact:
KasCo: The cash control committee gives advice to and controls the work of the treasurer. Contact:
KRAK: The recording committee provides recordings and produces CDs of the majority of concerts, which are then sold among the members. Contact:
KraKra: The Krashna newspaper committee publishes 5 or 6 magazines per year including interviews with Krashna members, pieces about our events and other interesting content. Contact:
KrashKo: The chamber orchestra committee is responsible for organising projects with a chamber orchestra. Contact:
LuCie: The Lustrum committee organises all kinds of special activities during the lustrum year. They are responsible for making the year extra epic! Contact:
OWeeCie: The OWee committee arranges all activities during the annual OWee to get as many new members for the association as possible. Contact:
PubliCie: The Publicity committee is responsible for promotion about concerts. They design posters and flyers and send promotion texts to various news instances. Contact: []mailto:(
RepCie: The Repertoire committee decides on the programme performed at the annual spring- and autumn concerts of the choir and orchestra. Contact:
TourCie: The Tour committee plans our biennial summer tours, from preparation before the tour to leadership on tour. Contact:
WebCie: The Website committee keeps the Krashna website up to date and keeps working to improve it. Contact:
WieCie: The weekend committee organises rehearsal weekends and days. Once a year, Krashna has an external rehearsal weekend in Brabant. Contact:
ZeilCie: The sailweek committee organises an annual sailweek in the beginning of July, right after the exams. Contact: