Krashna Musika Reunion - 50 years!


As you might know, we’re celebrating our fiftieth birthday this year! For fifty years, we’ve been sharing our passion for music and in fifty years we’ve organized many great concerts.

In these fifty years we’ve had lots of different members with lots of different stories. We’d like to collect these stories on Sunday the 6th of May by bringing together young and old, current and former Krashnese on the Krashna Musika Reunion day.

Together with our current choir and orchestra conductors Ruben de Grauw and Daan Admiraal we’ll be rehearsing a variety of choir and orchestra pieces, which we’ll perform for each other at the end of the day.

You’re also welcome to join the potluck-style dinner. Just bring a meal you like and together we’ll form a grand buffet.

The general schedule will look like this:

13:00-17:00 - Rehearsals
17:00-18:30 - Dinner
18:30-20:00 - Performances

Hopefully, we’ll meet you on Sunday the 6th of May! You can sign up by filling in this Google form.

For questions or suggestions, you can reach us at

Reunion Poster