Krashna Green Tour 2021

You can come and listen to Krashna again!

Playing our instruments instead of streaming, singing instead of zooming: the Delft student music society Krashna Musika is making music together again and will soon be giving concerts! At the beginning of the summer we will go on a tour through our own country, where we will visit Delft, Haarlem and Amsterdam. On the stand is Mendelssohn's Scottish Symphony, a work in which you can hear the turbulent Scottish waters but also the romantic highlands. This gives the tour, which was supposed to go to Scotland last year, a Scottish touch! If the corona rules allow it, the choir will also take the stage.

Krashna Tour 2021

The concerts will take place on July 4 at 7:30 PM in the Auditorium of TU Delft, July 5 at 8:00 PM in the Grote or St.-Bavokerk in Haarlem and on July 10 at 3:00 PM in the Dominicuskerk in Amsterdam.

Tickets can be ordered via Please note that due to the corona measures it will not be possible to buy a ticket at the door. In the Aula of the TU Delft and in the Bavokerk we can receive an audience of 250 visitors and in Dominicuskerk we can receive 50 people according to the current measures. Depending on any relaxation, these numbers may increase, after which there will be extra opportunity to buy tickets.

Hope to see you on July 4, 5 or 10!

To see what the tour committee is up to follow us on facebook and instagram.